
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli 26, 2009

Good man in the good place

Hup hup horay , i got again my small bag include laptop charger and hp charger , i think lost for a while. My stuff lost when i'm going to train station with the taxi . I realize when I at the train station. i try didnt panic. Just thinking for a while ... ill remember in my small bag have a guest bill complete with my address. in the friday night when im going to home i got package and i see his name. i call him and say thanks for give back my stuff. i know he is good man ... Special Big Thanks to : Mr Arifin ( Taxi driver ) for give back my stuff. if u wanna get Taxi Driver in Semarang City - Indonesia , you can contact him : 6285225336158

Gambar , this site owned by k1n9k0ng , beside have this one , he made finderonly ,what is the point you can get from this site ? you can find rapidshare link, find megaupload , find pdf file , with crawler method and you know who is he ? he is top blogger in indonesia country, read this . screen shot : wanna try ?

Backtrack ...

One of the Backtrack linux distro is derived from a slackware which is the merger of whax collection and security auditors. Backtrack two released on 6 March 2007 which include more than 300 security tools while the beta 3 version of backtrack released on 14 December 2007 on the third release is more focused on hardware support. While the version of backtrack 3 was released on 19 June 2008 on the backtrack version 3 include this saint and maltego while nessus not included and still use the kernel version Official site links: For Indonesian version can be read at the link below, coincidence I have ever following article article: Greats to: Indobacktrack Team If trouble downloading backtrack live CD can be download in here Happy learning .... smile Source: Last edited by thesims (24-07-2009 15:17:35)

Invisible ???

Are you hate if someone usually invisible in contact list , this is the solution , we make this in opensource server. hope you enjoy : greets to :

Hore ... aku punya Hostpot di Santika Hotel

Duhai tepat jam 9 lebih 32 menit buka laptop dulu sudah lama sepertinya aku meninggalkan internet yang tercinta ini ( lebay mode on hehehehe ) iseng scan .. dapet deh hotspot , lumayan deh tuh gratisan cepet juga euuy , nah pas jam 11 mulai deh orang berduyun duyun makan , suara piring dll kedengeran banget disini. Tiba-tiba gw nerima telpon "Bal ada gangguan nih server" , wah gw cepet-cepet remote donk ke shell box ... ya ampun kok lambat banget aksesnya ya ... harus benerin nih ... , terpaksa gw keluar buat survey , celingak celinguk , ternyata sob banyak sekali pakai laptop , wah gimana cara nih gw bisa remote , akhirnya gw ke kamar lagi deh semedi dan ritual ala kadarnya gw coba browsing ke ip nya 125.x.x.x ( kek nya gw kenal nih ip ) dan gw yakin passwordnya ntuh default : user : admin password : admin lalu gw ketik di cmd ( maklum ubuntu lagi kernel panic , ala kadarnya aja deh pake vista ini juga terpaksa :) ) C:\Users\iqbal>ipconfig Wireless LAN ad

hack into inbox ...

Disini tidak mengajarkan suatu kejahatan , memang seram terdengar kata-kata "hack" , tapi sedikit lebih lumrah , semuanya berawal dari social engineering walau masih mystery tentang doi tapi saya bisa menerobos sebuah email , yah bisa juga inbox facebook biasa dijadikan sebuah social engineering ( isi inbox nya , selingkuhan , saingan atau doi udah punya hehehehe , semuanya terungkap ... ) misal nih elo pengen gebet tuh cewe , nah nih cewe suka facebookan , biasanya tuh seseorang males banget ketik password jadi ntuh password disimpen kan tu di mozilla kalo elo punya laptop 1. tangan lo harus cepet simpen password facebook , lo pancing deh tuh buka facebook di mozilla , cepet2x deh tangan lo save hehehe , email juga begitu ... ( remmber password mozilla ) cara liatnya tools - options - security - save password , show password 2. siapin senjata elo pake keylogger , banyak deh yang ampuh , ajakin doi buka fb , trus lo pura-pura beli rokok , keluar atau ke WC kalo laptopnya pu